The Garden City High School Drama Department will be holding auditions for the second production of the season, “The Skin of Our Teeth”, on September 16th from 3:00-5:00pm and September 17th from 6:00-9:00pm in the GCHS Auditorium.
The Board of Education held a special meeting on Tuesday, September 10th. The purpose of the meeting was to receive presentations and interview selected Superintendent search firms. The firms that presented were Bryant Group, Kansas Association of School Boards, JG Consulting, and Ray and Associates.
You can watch the presentations
Bryant Group -
KASB had technical issues with the video.
JG Consulting -
Ray and Associates -
The GCHS football players were at Georgia Matthews Elementary School this morning greeting students, giving high fives, and tossing the football.
If you missed this week's Board of Education meeting, here are the highlights.
Minutes from the meeting will be available after they've been approved at the next meeting.
You can watch the recorded meeting at
If you missed this week's Board of Education meeting, here are the highlights.
Minutes from the meeting will be available after they've been approved at the next meeting.
You can watch the recorded meeting at
There will be a Special Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room at the Education Support Center, 1205 Fleming St. The purpose of the meeting is to receive presentations and interview selected Superintendent search firms or individuals. The formal interviews will be conducted in executive session in Conference Room A, pursuant to the confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts, and individual proprietorships exception under KOMA.
Kenneth Henderson Middle School cross country team will hold a fundraiser in partnership with Freddy's tonight, September 9. Fifteen percent of all sales from 5:00-9:00 p.m. will go back to the team. Thank you for your support!
The USD #457 Board of Education will meet Monday, September 9 at 6:00pm in the Educational Support Center Board Room. Agenda information can be found at
Check out what’s on the menu this week! *Menu subject to change. To view the full menu visit:
Garden City High School was at Stevens Park as part of Downtown Vision’s GCK Proud Pep Rally today. The football game against Manhattan will start at 7:00pm at Buffalo Stadium.
Minute with Mike #118, featuring Gertrude Walker Elementary School, this week's Superintendent's School of the Week:
Jennie Wilson Elementary School hosted Muffins in the Morning today. Families had an opportunity to visit the school and enjoy a muffin with their child. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Garden City Downtown Vision is hosting the first GCK Proud Community Pep Rally at Stevens Park on Friday at Noon. The GCHS Buffalo football team, cheerleaders, drumline and vocal jazz will be in attendance. The team will take on Manhattan at Buffalo Stadium at 7:00pm.
A free developmental screening clinic for 3-5 year old Garden City residents will be held on Friday, September 6. It will be at Garfield Early Childhood Center. Appointments can be made by calling 620-805-7500.
The GCHS football players were at Buffalo Jones Elementary School this morning greeting students and giving high fives. Don't miss this week's game against Manhattan at Buffalo Stadium on Friday - kickoff is at 7:00pm.
There will be a Subcommittee Boundary Study meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Educational Support Center Board Room.
Happy Labor Day!
Check out what’s on the menu this week! *Menu subject to change. To view the full menu visit:
Classes, offices, and facilities will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. The school district will resume regular business hours and classes will be back in session on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
The Board of Education toured Plymell Elementary, Jennie Barker Elementary, Georgia Matthews Elementary, and Gertrude Walker Elementary Schools during a special meeting on Thursday for an update from the Boundary Study Subcommittee.