The USD 457 Board of Education met Monday, April 3 during a regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting was held in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.
Garden City High School Boys Bowling team. The team took 3rd place at the Class 6A state bowling tournament.
they are engaging students with Leader in Me in building leadership and life skills in students and creating a high-trust school culture that helps to sustain academic achievement.
Matt Allen, City Manager of the City of Garden City, presented an update on housing in the community and the many housing projects taking place in the community. He also visited with the board about the changes the city is looking at on the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. The City’s goal is to have 4,000 housing units built in the community by 2030.
Information was provided on the 4th Grade Social Studies and Elementary PE Curriculum Adoptions by Heather Stegman, Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator. No action was taken on the two items. The board will look at voting on the items at the next board meeting.
Under Unfinished Business, the board received an update on the video boards at the high school from Drew Thon, Athletic Director at Garden City High School. Anchor sponsors have committed their monetary support of new video boards at Buffalo Stadium and The Garden in order to receive primary visibility for their businesses. The board approved the purchase of Daktronics Live Video Displays for both the football stadium and the gymnasium, and an LED scorer’s table.
Under the Board Goals Update, the board received an AVID presentation from Jenny Hands, Career and Technical Education Coordinator at Garden City High School, as well as AVID instructors and students. AVID provides scaffolded support that educators and students need to encourage college and career readiness and success. AVID offers a variety of classroom activities, lesson plans, professional learning videos, and timely articles that are relevant to students. These tools help educators implement and refine instructional practices.
The board approved the following items during the meeting. They include the minutes of the March 23, 2023 Board of Education meeting, bids for Maintenance Cargo Vans from Lewis Chevrolet of Garden City for $39,349.95 and Western Motor Company for $39,500.00, Security Improvements bid from Roth Glass & Framing for $88,300.00, reject all bids and rebid at a later date for ESC Switches (to help improve internet for staff), out of state travel for the Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas, and out of state travel for the National Educators Rising Conference in Orlando, Florida for National Competition.
The board held an executive session for personnel matters for non-elected personnel. No action was taken at the end the executive session.The next meeting of the Board of Education will be Monday, April 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.
The Board of Education meeting can be viewed on the USD 457 YouTube channel at