The next meeting of the Garden City Public Schools Board of Education will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 23. The meeting will be held at the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.
The Board will consider, under a consent agenda, approval of the March 6 meeting minutes. They will also consider Accounts Payable along with Certified and Classified Personnel actions.
The Board will consider under the consent agenda approval of flooring at Charles Stones Intermediate Center from Country Carpet for $99,500.00. Flooring at Jennie Wilson Elementary School from Country Carpet for $52,400.00. Gym Floor Refinishing at Garden City High School and Kenneth Henderson Middle School from Creative Floors Coating & Design for $95,314.00. Safety and Security from Sandifer State Contract for $166,457.17. Inventory Platform software from Asset Panda for $85,500. Curriculum Council recommendation for Capturing Kids Hearts program.
The Board will hold an executive session relating to personnel matters for non-elected personnel.
The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be Monday, April 3, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Educational Support Center, 1205 Fleming Street.
The complete agenda can be found here.