The next meeting of the Garden City Public Schools Board of Education will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 6, 2023. The meeting will be held in the Educational Support Center Board Room, 1205 Fleming Street.

The board will recognize Ashlee Villarreal and Alejandra Facio, recipients of Rudd Scholarships, Isabel Zamarripa, recipient of a University of Kansas School of Journalism Scholarship, and the Garden City High School Girls and Boys Wrestling teams.

The will receive a building presentation from Horace Good Middle School.

They will receive a KESA presentation from Jason Johnson, Assistant Superintendent. They will also receive a Capturing Kids Hearts presentation from Gina Galpin, Principal at Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Center, Ben Luna, Principal at Buffalo Jones Elementary School, Melinda Stewart, Principal at Jennie Wilson Elementary School. Garden City High School will present their Wildly Important Goals Report.

Under new business, the board will receive a Long Range Facilities Update from Shane Faurot, Director of Plant Facilities and Colleen Drees, Financial Officer. Shane Faurot, Colleen Drees, and Technology staff will present information on an Inventory Platform.

The board will hold two (2) executive sessions. The first will be for matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency.  The second will be for personnel matters for non-elected personnel.

The complete agenda can be found at: